Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Lord, Our Faith Increase

1 Wearied in well-doing, Saviour,
Cumbered with our care --
We for strength would wait upon Thee:
Hear our prayer!

2 Hear and answer our petition:
"Lord, our faith increase!"
From ourselves, our sins, our struggles
Grant release!

3 Jesus, make Thy grace sufficient!
In our weakness prove
All Thy strength, and never part us
From Thy love!

4 Christ, who makest intercession
At the Throne of God,
From our sins give full remission
In Thy Blood!

5 We would cast on Thee our burden,
Cast on Thee our care:
All our griefs and all our sorrows
Thou dost bear.

6 Hear we now Thine invitation:
"Come to Me, and rest!"
In Thy Word we have salvation
And are blest!

7 From Thy Father's richest glory
All our needs supply:
For Thy Holy Spirit's fulness
Hear our cry!

8 Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
One true God, we raise
For our Saviour's Blood and merit
Endless praise!

--JPB, 21 October 2003.


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