Tuesday, July 18, 2006

We Praise Thy Name, O God most High!

1 We praise Thy Name, O God Most High!
Before Thy throne we gather:
We boldly now to Thee draw nigh
And call Thee, "Abba, Father!"
Thou hast redeemed us by Thy Son;
In Jesus Christ we now are one:
For by His Blood and merit,
In us now lives Thy Spirit.

2 We now stand fast in liberty,
All bondage hence refusing,
For Christ Thy Son hath set us free
From sin, its fetters loosing:
Upon the Cross He bore our curse,
Thy wrath against us to disperse,
All righteousness fulfilling,
All condemnation stilling.

3 As once Thy Son in love did give
His life for us and died,
We by Thy Spirit walk and live
In Christ now crucified:
Grant us Thy Name to glorify,
Our sinful flesh to mortify,
All fruits of grace displaying,
Thy holy Law obeying!

-- JPB, Tuesday 2 May 2006


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