Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Lord Jesus, True and LIving Vine

1 Lord Jesus, true and living Vine,
In Thee I ever would abide;
O let Thy grace my soul entwine!
My faith clings to Thy riven side.

2 O Father, Who as Husbandman
Hast grafted me into Thy Son,
Purge, cleanse me, as Thy love may plan,
Till precious fruit to Thee be won.

3 Come, Holy Spirit, let Thy Word
Dwell richly in my mind and heart,
That I may live in Christ the Lord
And from His presence ne'er depart!

4 Rooted in love's most holy ground,
Built up and stablished in the faith,
With joyful thanks would I abound
And walk in all the Scripture saith.

5 As Vine and branch, let me abide
In Christ, and He a bide in me!
Lord, may Thy Name be glorified
In worship, work and witness free!

6 Hear, heed my longing, earnest prayer:
Reveal Thy glory -- Christ in me!
With all Thy saints, O let me share
Thy glory when Thy face I see!

7 To Father, Son and Spirit, praise!
To God the LORD, the One in Three
Be glory all the length of days,
Now and to all eternity!

-- 25 June 2003 L.M.


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