Sunday, May 28, 2006

Come Apart and Rest Awhile

1 Come apart and rest awhile
From your heavy toil and care:
Malice lay aside, and guile,
Enter in the House of Prayer,
And among His people sit
At our Saviour Jesu's feet!

2 Hear the Word of life and peace
Which the Holy Scriptures tell;
From your sins and self now cease --
Jesus hath done all things well:
Now behold the Lamb of God,
Trust in His atoning Blood!

3 Through the quiet hours of rest,
Enter in the secret place:
Seek the Father, and be blessed
With His Spirit's strength and grace,
As you plead Christ's Name in prayer,
Casting on Him all your care.

4 Fathers, mothers, girls and boys,
In God's favour break your bread
At your tables, and rejoice
That His providence has led,
Sheltered, helped you all your days:
Show your thanks and keep His ways.

5 Thus may Christian Sabbaths prove
Festive, restful days of bliss:
Filled with faith, and hope, and love,
And all fruits of righteousness,
Till our Triune God we see,
Blessed to all eternity.

-- JPB, Wednesday 10 March 2004.


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