Thursday, May 25, 2006

O Shout a Hallelujah!

1 O shout a Hallelujah!
My soul from sin is free!
Jesus, my righteous Saviour,
Has died, and lives for me!
My tongue is filled with singing,
My heart is filled with joy,
Peace through my soul is springing
Which nothing can destroy!


O shout a Hallelujah!
The Lamb that once was slain,
My risen Saviour Jesus
Forevermore shall reign!

2 O shout of God's salvation,
And praise Him day by day:
There is no condemnation,
And nothing left to pay!
For Jesus paid the ransom
In His most precious Blood
Upon the Cross of Calvary
To bring me back to God!

3 Shout, shout of sovereign mercy,
And free, abounding grace
That gave me to the Saviour
Who suffered in my place!
No, never had I loved Him,
But that He first loved me,
And left His throne in heaven,
To die upon the Tree!

4 O shout aloud Hosanna
And join me with the throng
Of all God's chosen people
To sing the glad, new song:
All glory to the FATHER,
All glory to the LAMB,
All glory to the SPIRIT --
ONE GOD, the great I AM!

-- JPB 30 May 2005 (Tune: God Bless the Prince of Wales)


At 2:39 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

I didn't catch up with you after the service, but I still had to find the lyrics for the hymn you quoted by memory this morning. Little did I know you wrote it.

Thank you for sharing this with us. It was a blessing.


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