Friday, May 26, 2006

One Living, True, Eternal God

One living, true, eternal God
With heart and voice do we confess:
Creator of the heavens abroad,
And earth around, forever blest!

2 "God is": in all His works we see
Displayed His wisdom and His might:
By faith we own His majesty,
And seek Him, veiled beyond our sight.

3 "God is a Spirit": worshippers
In truth and spirit now He seeks;
With image, shrine and rite man errs --
For by His Word alone God speaks.

4 That Word reveals that "God is light,
In Him no darkness is at all":
Our sin cannot endure His sight,
Whose light is unapproachable.

5 "Our God is a consuming fire":
The King of saints is just and true
In all His ways; in judgment dire
The wicked perish from His view.

6 Yet by the Gospel, "God is love",
Who saves the sinner, yet is just:
He gave His Son from heaven above
Upon the Cross to die for us.

7 Eternal, infinite, unchanged,
In being, wisdom and in power,
All-holy, just, most good and true,
We praise Thy glory in this hour!

8 One God, revealed in Persons Three,
Thy praise, most Blessed Trinity,
Earth's fulness gives, with heaven's host!

-- JPB, 28 September 2002
L.M. (Tune: Winchester New)


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