Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Now As the new born Day Begins

1 Now as the new born day begins,
Lord Jesus, save me from my sins:
Unto Thy glory let me live
By all the grace which Thou dost give!

2 Thy Blood, once shed at Calvary,
From condemnation sets me free:
Yet daily cleanse my way, O Lord,
As I take heed unto Thy Word.

3 True wisdom grant, to know Thy will,
May Thy good, Holy Spirit fill
My heart to make entirely mine
Christ's Word of grace and truth divine.

4 O let me die to sin this day,
In all I think and do and say:
With mind and soul in Christ renewed,
To live and walk in life anew.

5 Help me deny myself each day,
Take up Thy cross, and in Thy way
A true disciple, follow Thee
In service of humility.

6 At home, abroad, at work, at rest
In doing let my faith be blest
And proven true by works of love
To praise our Father God above.

7 O Saviour, let me clearer see
Thy glory; to me dearer be,
Walk with me nearer in Thy way,
That I may love Thee day by day.

--- JPB 23 March 2004 L.M.


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