Sunday, July 02, 2006

From Sea to Sea

1 From sea to sea, to earth's remotest bound,
Let this Dominion hear the joyful sound
Which to repentance and to faith will call:
"Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, is Lord of all!"

2 Where springs, streams, rivers, lakes their waters pour
Out to the rugged coast and ocean shore;
Through mountains, forests, prairies, glaciers, fields,
Shine forth in mercy, God our Sun and Shield!

3 O God our Father, bare Thine arm in might
To bring our land from darkness into light:
Crime and injustice, vice and hate repress,
Exalt our nation with true righteousness!

4 Lord Jesus, Sun of Righteousness, arise
And bring salvaiton marvellous to our eyes:
From east to west bear healing in Thy wings
Through grace the preaching of Thy Gospel brings.

5 Come, Holy Ghost, to Christ Thy witness bear --
Convict, convert, and quicken those who hear:
All races, classes, tongues and kindreds call
To crown our Saviour Jesus Lord of all!

6 Our people perish without hope or God:
Redeem them by the Lamb's most precious Blood!
Triune Jehovah, now do all things well
To pluck our souls as burning brands from Hell!

7 Grant us Thy truth alone which makes men free:
Proclaim Thy kingdom here, from sea to sea,
Fulfill the promise of Thy written Word:
"Blest is the nation whose God is the LORD!"

-- JPB, 12 December 2003.


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