Saturday, June 17, 2006

Lord, Here We Stand!

1 Lord, here we stand! Our consciences are captive
Unto Thy Word; forbid our hearts should faint:
Loose Thou our tongues, to tell in praises festive
The faith delivered once unto the saints!
Lord, here we stand! Keep Thou our hearts receptive
To hear and hold Thy Gospel without taint!

2 Scripture alone! Thy Word is truth unerring,
Breathed by the Holy Ghost through holy men;
To Christ's redemption witness fully bearing,
Sole rule of faith, life, worship, now as then --
Scripture alone! Teach us, its truths comparing,
To hear Thy voice above the din of men.

3 By grace alone! Apart from human merit,
God shows His love to sinners lost, undone;
That He moight freely grant us to inherit
Life everlasting, He sent forth His Son:
By grace alone! To all the world declare it --
In Jesus Christ, God has salvation won!

4 By Christ alone! to us has come salvaiton --
Through His obedience and atoning Blood!
Our only High Priest, and our sure Foundation,
King and sole Head to all the Church of God!
By Christ alone! Our Shepherd great is risen,
And leads His people by His staff and rod.

5 By faith alone! Our hearts are resting solely
On that one offering made at Calvary
Which our Lord Jesus finished, paying wholly
For our transgressions and iniquity:
By faith alone! we've peace with God Most Holy
Now justified, accepted and set free!

6 Only in Scripture is the truth that frees us
Only by grace in liberty we stand
Only in Christ accepted God now sees us:
Only by faith we live; for us is planned
A life of loving service that Him pleases:
Upon this Gospel true -- Lord, here we stand!

7 We praise Thee, now, Thy saints, redeemed, forgiven,

Triune Jehovah, God our Sun and Shield!
All praises to the Holy Father in heaven,
Only begotten, and eternal Son,
Blest Holy Spirit, to His people given --
All glory give to God the Three in One!

JPB, 11 June 2003.


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