Saturday, July 08, 2006

How My Heart Exults in Gladness

H0w My Heart Exults in Gladness

1 How my heart exults in gladness
At the sound of Jesu's Name --
Gone is all my care and sadness,
Banished is my guilt and shame!
Of Ten Thousand He is Fairest --
Now and to eternity,
As the Rose of Sharon rarest
Only Jesus would I see!


Sing of Jesus -- my Lord Jesus!
How to save our souls He came:
How my heart exults in gladness
At the sound of Jesu's Name!

2 All my boasting, all my glory
Is in Christ the crucified:
O my soul, tell now the story
How for me He bled and died!
How the Father in compassion
His own Son to us did send,
Laying down His life a ransom,
Loving us unto the end!

3 O to see Him in His beauty!
When mine eyes behold the King,
All His grace and all His glory,
Shall my soul forever sing!
Hence away, all doubt and sorrow,
All my anxious, fretful fear --
All that comes upon the morrow
Heralds my redemption near!

-- JPB, Friday 5 December 2003.


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