Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Grant Me Through the Night to Rest

1 Father, Son and Spirit blest,
Grant me through the night to rest
Trusting in Thy gracious care,
Triune God, O hear my prayer!

2 Father God, forgive my sin,
Holy Ghost, dwell me within
Never leave me nor forsake,
For my dear Lord Jesu's sake!

3 Bless my kindred, friends and foes;
Help the suffering in their woes:
Save the lost, sustain the poor;
Let Thy Church in grace endure!

4 Turn all nations back to THee:
From all dangers set us free;
Bless the preaching of Thy Word
For the sake of Christ the Lord!

5 Through the hours of darkness deep,
Lord God, grant me peace to sleep:
Till I wake, kept in Thy way,
With the new, returning day.

6 Let me serve Thee day and night,
Till at last I walk in white
With Thy people blest in heaven,
For Christ Jesu's sake -- Amen!

--- JPB, 9 April 2004.


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