Saturday, July 22, 2006

Lord Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace

1 Lord Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace,
Stretch forth Thy pierced hand!
Let war beneath Thy sceptre cease
In every clime and land!

2 Let all the nations come to hear
The Gospel of our God:
Proclaim to all afar and near
Peace by Thy cross and Blood.

3 Gather Thy chosen children up
Of whom Thou shalt lose none,
That in Thy kingdom they may sup
From all the world made one.

4 To preach Thy peace in every place
O send them forth abroad
Till, justified through faith by grace,
Men find true peace with God.

5 Make true disciples, wholly Thine,
Amid the darkness deep,
As lights around the world to shine,
As salt to cleanse and keep.

6 So reconciled to God and man
O let Thy Church increase
Till over every clime and land,
Thou reign as Prince of Peace!

-- JPB, Friday 11 November 2005


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