Thursday, August 03, 2006

Lord Jesus, Friend of Sinners

1 Lord Jesus, Friend of sinners,
To Thee I now draw nigh:
I long to hear Thy Gospel --
How Thou didst come to die
In shame and Blood at Calv'ry
To save me from me sin:
Lord Jesus, Friend of sinners,
Be pleased to take me in!

2 Lord Jesus, Friend of sinners,
How wholly am I lost!
A wandering sheep in peril --
A coin of squandered cost --
A child whose life is wasted
In riot, and enslaved:
Lord Jesus, Friend of sinners,
Seek me, till I am saved!

3 Lord Jesus, Friend of sinners,
I have no right to heaven --
Unclean, unjust, unworthy,
My soul must be forgiven:
O let Thy Name and Spirit
Both justify me now,
And wash, then sanctify me
Till at Thy throne I bow.

4 Lord Jesus, Friend of sinners,
Receive me, with me meet!
Though from beneath Thy table
But crumbs I fain would eat,
Grant me to share Thy kingdom
And by Thy sovereign grace,
Among Thy chosen people
To find the lowest place!

5 Lord Jesus, Friend of sinners ---
Thou dost my soul receive!
Thou dost forgive and cleanse me!
I on Thy Name believe,
And all my sins forsaking,
With those Thy Blood hath bought,
I now embrace Thy promise:
Thou wilt not cast me out!

6 Lord Jesus, Friend of sinners,
No greater love could be
Than this, which laid Thy life down
For us at Calvary:
Thou knowest that I love Thee!
O bid me follow still,
Thy most unworthy servant,
To do Thy perfect will.

7 O LORD our God, where is there
A God like unto Thee?
Thou pardonest transgression,
And castest in the sea
The depths of our trespasses
Till all is gone and lost:
We praise Thy mercies, Father,
And Son, and Holy Ghost!

-- JPB 7 October 2003.


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