Saturday, July 22, 2006

Lord Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace

1 Lord Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace,
Stretch forth Thy pierced hand!
Let war beneath Thy sceptre cease
In every clime and land!

2 Let all the nations come to hear
The Gospel of our God:
Proclaim to all afar and near
Peace by Thy cross and Blood.

3 Gather Thy chosen children up
Of whom Thou shalt lose none,
That in Thy kingdom they may sup
From all the world made one.

4 To preach Thy peace in every place
O send them forth abroad
Till, justified through faith by grace,
Men find true peace with God.

5 Make true disciples, wholly Thine,
Amid the darkness deep,
As lights around the world to shine,
As salt to cleanse and keep.

6 So reconciled to God and man
O let Thy Church increase
Till over every clime and land,
Thou reign as Prince of Peace!

-- JPB, Friday 11 November 2005

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

We Praise Thy Name, O God most High!

1 We praise Thy Name, O God Most High!
Before Thy throne we gather:
We boldly now to Thee draw nigh
And call Thee, "Abba, Father!"
Thou hast redeemed us by Thy Son;
In Jesus Christ we now are one:
For by His Blood and merit,
In us now lives Thy Spirit.

2 We now stand fast in liberty,
All bondage hence refusing,
For Christ Thy Son hath set us free
From sin, its fetters loosing:
Upon the Cross He bore our curse,
Thy wrath against us to disperse,
All righteousness fulfilling,
All condemnation stilling.

3 As once Thy Son in love did give
His life for us and died,
We by Thy Spirit walk and live
In Christ now crucified:
Grant us Thy Name to glorify,
Our sinful flesh to mortify,
All fruits of grace displaying,
Thy holy Law obeying!

-- JPB, Tuesday 2 May 2006

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Now As the new born Day Begins

1 Now as the new born day begins,
Lord Jesus, save me from my sins:
Unto Thy glory let me live
By all the grace which Thou dost give!

2 Thy Blood, once shed at Calvary,
From condemnation sets me free:
Yet daily cleanse my way, O Lord,
As I take heed unto Thy Word.

3 True wisdom grant, to know Thy will,
May Thy good, Holy Spirit fill
My heart to make entirely mine
Christ's Word of grace and truth divine.

4 O let me die to sin this day,
In all I think and do and say:
With mind and soul in Christ renewed,
To live and walk in life anew.

5 Help me deny myself each day,
Take up Thy cross, and in Thy way
A true disciple, follow Thee
In service of humility.

6 At home, abroad, at work, at rest
In doing let my faith be blest
And proven true by works of love
To praise our Father God above.

7 O Saviour, let me clearer see
Thy glory; to me dearer be,
Walk with me nearer in Thy way,
That I may love Thee day by day.

--- JPB 23 March 2004 L.M.

Grant Me Through the Night to Rest

1 Father, Son and Spirit blest,
Grant me through the night to rest
Trusting in Thy gracious care,
Triune God, O hear my prayer!

2 Father God, forgive my sin,
Holy Ghost, dwell me within
Never leave me nor forsake,
For my dear Lord Jesu's sake!

3 Bless my kindred, friends and foes;
Help the suffering in their woes:
Save the lost, sustain the poor;
Let Thy Church in grace endure!

4 Turn all nations back to THee:
From all dangers set us free;
Bless the preaching of Thy Word
For the sake of Christ the Lord!

5 Through the hours of darkness deep,
Lord God, grant me peace to sleep:
Till I wake, kept in Thy way,
With the new, returning day.

6 Let me serve Thee day and night,
Till at last I walk in white
With Thy people blest in heaven,
For Christ Jesu's sake -- Amen!

--- JPB, 9 April 2004.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

How My Heart Exults in Gladness

H0w My Heart Exults in Gladness

1 How my heart exults in gladness
At the sound of Jesu's Name --
Gone is all my care and sadness,
Banished is my guilt and shame!
Of Ten Thousand He is Fairest --
Now and to eternity,
As the Rose of Sharon rarest
Only Jesus would I see!


Sing of Jesus -- my Lord Jesus!
How to save our souls He came:
How my heart exults in gladness
At the sound of Jesu's Name!

2 All my boasting, all my glory
Is in Christ the crucified:
O my soul, tell now the story
How for me He bled and died!
How the Father in compassion
His own Son to us did send,
Laying down His life a ransom,
Loving us unto the end!

3 O to see Him in His beauty!
When mine eyes behold the King,
All His grace and all His glory,
Shall my soul forever sing!
Hence away, all doubt and sorrow,
All my anxious, fretful fear --
All that comes upon the morrow
Heralds my redemption near!

-- JPB, Friday 5 December 2003.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

From Sea to Sea

1 From sea to sea, to earth's remotest bound,
Let this Dominion hear the joyful sound
Which to repentance and to faith will call:
"Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, is Lord of all!"

2 Where springs, streams, rivers, lakes their waters pour
Out to the rugged coast and ocean shore;
Through mountains, forests, prairies, glaciers, fields,
Shine forth in mercy, God our Sun and Shield!

3 O God our Father, bare Thine arm in might
To bring our land from darkness into light:
Crime and injustice, vice and hate repress,
Exalt our nation with true righteousness!

4 Lord Jesus, Sun of Righteousness, arise
And bring salvaiton marvellous to our eyes:
From east to west bear healing in Thy wings
Through grace the preaching of Thy Gospel brings.

5 Come, Holy Ghost, to Christ Thy witness bear --
Convict, convert, and quicken those who hear:
All races, classes, tongues and kindreds call
To crown our Saviour Jesus Lord of all!

6 Our people perish without hope or God:
Redeem them by the Lamb's most precious Blood!
Triune Jehovah, now do all things well
To pluck our souls as burning brands from Hell!

7 Grant us Thy truth alone which makes men free:
Proclaim Thy kingdom here, from sea to sea,
Fulfill the promise of Thy written Word:
"Blest is the nation whose God is the LORD!"

-- JPB, 12 December 2003.

My Country! O My Country

My Country! O My Country!

1 My country! O my country --
So vast, so rich, so blessed!
The hand of God in bounty
With endless beauty dressed
Thy forests, fields and fountains,
Thy rivers, lakes and shores,
Thy prairies, hills and mountains,
And filled with plenty's stores.

2 My country! O my country!
From all the world have come
The tongues and tribes and kindred
Of earth to call thee home!
From south to north all scattered
And stretched from west to east,
They stand in God's own image
The greatest to the least.

3 My country! O my country!
So far, so far from God!
Enslaved in sin's dark bondage,
Afflicted 'neath its rod!
Blind to thy pride and error,
Crime, vice and poverty,
Who warns thee of God's terrors,
His coming wrath to flee?

4 My country! O my country!
Repent! Return to God
Whose Son for our salvation
Shed forth His precious Blood
His Spirit calls in mercy,
Receive His written Word,
And to the Father's glory
Crown Jesus Christ the Lord!

-- JPB, 16 November 2004.