Monday, July 07, 2008

The Church of God

The Church of God! The Church of God,
Which Thou hast purchased with Thy Blood,
Lord Jesus, by Thy Spirit lead
The flocks Thy servants tend and feed.

2 The Church of God! We gladly give
Our hearts and service; hence we live
To watch, to work, to wait, to weep
To guard, to guide our Master's sheep.

3 The Church of God! whose souls are fed
Before the Table Christ has spared:
Upon Thy saints, O Saviour, shine
Who break Thy bread and drink Thy wine.

4 The Church of God ! O Father, keep
Thy chosen, called and Blood-bought sheep
Which Thou hast given to Thy Son
In love and truth forever one.

5 The Church of God! The Bride, whose Spouse
Prepares on high a heavenly house:
Spirit of grace, our souls adorn
To see Him on that blessed morn!

6 The Church of God, in which is found
A pillar to the truth, and ground:
Lord, on her walls uphold and bless
The mystery great of godliness!

7 The Church of God! to earth and heaven
All glory, praise and thanks be given
To Him, who dwells in midst of Thee,
The ever-blessed Trinity!

-- JPB, 14 December 2007



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