Tuesday, September 05, 2006

We Greet the Day of Light

1 We greet the Day of Light,
When God our Maker stood,
The day dividing from the night,
And saw that it was good!

2 We take the Day of Rest
Jehovah sanctified:
One of the seven, which He blessed,
For man He did provide.

3 We hail the Day of Grace:
The Gospel Jubilee,
When Christ proclaims in every place
The truth that sets us free.

4 We see the Day of Power
On which the Spirit gains
A willing people in the hour
Our risen Saviour reigns.

5 We haste the Day of God
And seek the rest to come
For all the saints redeemed by Blood
In their eternal home.

6 Lord GOD, upon us shower
These blessings rich, we pray:
Grant us Thy light, rest, grace and power
On This, Thy holy Day!

7 In Thee alone we boast,
In Thee alone we rest,
The Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
One God, forever blest!

--- JPB, 8 March 2004 S.M.


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