Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Lord of the Sabbath, Jesus Christ

1 Lord of the Sabbath, Jesus Christ,
In Thee we now would find our rest:
Upon the first day of the week
Thy face in worship would we seek.

2 Thou glorious Sun of righteousness,
Shine forth, and all the nations bless:
Arise with healing in Thy wing
Till all the earth Thy praise shall sing.

3 Raised to Thy Father's own right hand,
Shed forth on this and every land
The fulness of the Holy Ghost
To quicken, call and save the lost.

4 Our blind eyes open, now to view
The wonders of Thy Law anew
And as Thy Gospel's grace abounds
Grant us to hear its joyful sounds

5 Show us Thy glory and Thy power
In every place and every hour
Where holy hands are raised in prayer
To cast upon Thee all our care

6 O Father, Son and Spirit, bless
Thy people as they now confess
Thee Triune God alone and praise
Thy Name on this and all our days!

-- JPB; LM 6 March 1984


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