Saturday, August 19, 2006

Lo, On Mount Zion Stands the Lamb

1 Lo, on Mount Zion stands the Lamb
Amid those myriad souls
Redeemed from earth, who follow Him
Withersoe'er He goes!

2 With all its charms this world could not
Their virgin-souls defile;
They stand before the throne of God
Their mouth found free of guile.

3 Before that throne without a fault
They harp and sing new songs,
Unknown to elder, angel, beast
That round about Him throngs

4 Here is the patience of the saints:
They all keep God's commands,
None in the faith of Jesus faints,
By grace alone each stands.

5 The voice from heav'n now bides us, "Write"
And all the truth record:
"Blest are the faithful dead henceforth,
Who shall die in the Lord!"

6 "Yea" saith the Spirit, "they shall find rest
From all their labours sore;
Their works shall follow them and, blest,
Their pains shall all be o'er!"

7 By faith we take our pilgrim path
To enter heaven's rest,
Where Father, Son and Spirit reign,
One God, forever blest!

-- JPB, 11 October 2002. C.M.


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