Saturday, August 19, 2006

O God Most Holy, God Most High

1 The azure skies all glow with light;
The blazing sun shines forth in might:
O God most holy, God most high --
Our Sun and Shield, to us draw nigh!

2 The laden dew has left its sheen
Upon the fields of emerald green:
O God most holy, God most high --
Our Fount of life, to us draw nigh!

3 The chorus of the waking birds
Voices its praises without words:
O God most holy, God most high --
Our Strength and Song, to us draw nigh!

4 The mountain peak and forest flower
Reveal Thy wisdom and Thy power --
O God most holy, God most high,
Creator blest, to us draw nigh!

5 The purple nightshades show afar
The sparkling of the evening star:
O God most holy, God most high,
In all Thy greatness, now draw nigh!

6 Through summer, winter, spring and fall
Thy throne endureth over all:
O God most holy, God most high --
Eternal King, to us draw nigh!

7 We praise the Father's love which gave
His Son beloved our souls to save
And sent His Spirit in our hearts
With every gift that grace imparts!

8 Almighty Father, gracious Son,
And Holy Spirit - Three in One!
Our God, most holy and most high --
In sovereign grace to us draw nigh!

-- JPB, 26 May 2005. L.M.


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