Saturday, September 02, 2006

Turn Ye, Turn, Why Will Ye Die?

1 Turn ye, turn, why will ye die?
All who pass my Saviour by,
God's salvation comes today!
Will ye also go away?

2 Passing on in evil's path,
Now ye treasure up the wrath
Which the Righteous Judge shall send
On the wicked at the end!

3 Plainly doth the Scripture tell,
"All the nations go to hell,
Which forget the God of heaven"
Who His only Son hath given!

4 In this world Christ Jesus came,
Sinners lost to seek and claim:
Hanging on the cursed Tree,
By His Blood to set us free.

5 Dare ye trample on that Blood
Of the gracious Son of God --
Put Him to an open shame,
And despise His holy Name?

6 Sinner, vile, condemned and vain,
Doomed to Hell's unending pain,
Do not pass my Saviour by -
Turn ye, turn, why will ye die?

7 From the broad way now relent:
Turn to God, of sin repent!
In th'accepted time, receive
Jesus Christ the Lord, and live!

-- JPB, 1 November 2003.


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