Monday, September 04, 2006

In the Spirit on the Lord's Day

1 "In the Spirit on the Lord's Day"
Let us trace the steps once trod
By the aged, beloved disciple,
Exiled for the Word of God,
Till the Lamb enthroned we worship,
Who hath bought us with His Blood!

2 See an open door in Heaven:
Hear the Voice with trumpet sound
Beckon us to share the vision
Of the Throne, with all around,
Gathered in sublime submission
To our Saviour, glory crowned.

3 Now attend unnumbered voices,
Surging like the boundless sea,
Of the saints, in whom His choice is,
Loved, and washed, from sin set free:
How each ransomed heart rejoices
In His final victory!

4 "Thou art worthy!" hear them singing,
Praise outpouring like a flood,
"From all nations sinners bringing
Thou redeem'st us by Thy Blood!
Honour, riches, glory, blessing
Is Thy due, O Lamb of God!"

5 "O come quickly -- come, Lord Jesus!"
Every Sabbath let us pray!
May we thus in worship hasten
On until the Judgment Day
When shall come new earth and heavens,
Which shall never pass away!

6 Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
One, true, living God alone --
Grant us, on that Day assembling,
Grace to gather round Thy throne:
Make Thy Church Thy foursquare Temple,
Built on Christ the Cornerstone!

--- JPB 10 March 2004


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