Wednesday, September 20, 2006

O Triune God! Assembled Now before Thee

1 O Triune God! assembled now before Thee,
Gathered in reverence at the throne of grace,
We heed Thy call for hearts that worship truly,
We seek Thee, who hast said, 'Seek ye My face!'

2 No temple made with human hands contains Thee:
Earth is Thy footstool, heaven of heavens Thy throne;
Yet to the contrite heart, at Thy Word trembling,
Hast Thou respect, and dost Thou look alone.

3 No graven image dare we make or offer:
Thou art a Spirit -- only by Thy Word,
As it is written, we draw nigh to serve Thee,
Our Shield, and our exceeding great Reward.

4 Praise right and meet, we bring in adoration,
Raising in psalms, in hymns and spiritual songs,
Honour and blessing, for Thy great salvation:
Worthy Thou art -- all praise to Thee belongs!

5 Prayer do we offer, fervent and effectual,
Led by Thy Spirit, in the Saviour's Name:
Pleading Thy promise, holy hands extending
That we should live before Thee without blame.

6 We hear Thy living voice -- the Holy Scriptures;
These make us wise to trust Thee and obey:
Strengthen and bless our Pastors, Elders, teachers,
That we may know by them what Thou dost say!

7 Keeping Thine ordinance, as the Saviour told us,
Baptized in water, have we made our vows;
And as disciples, let Thy grace uphold us,
To do and teach whate'er the Scripture shows.

8 Gathered around the Table we remember,
How Jesus died, to bring us back to God:
Here do we meet, of Bread and Cup partaking,
In pledge and sign, the Saviour's flesh and Blood.

9 Thee would we fear, and keep the Sabbath holy,
Meeting upon the first day of the week;
Resting from all our works, and in Thee solely,
Finding our hearts' delight, Thy ways to seek.

10 And every day, in labour and in leisure,
Our sweet communion with Thee would we keep:
Grant that Thy Word, and prayer may be our pleasure,
Alone, in family, when we wake and sleep.

11 Eternal FATHER, who in love hast sought us,
Eternal SON, who bought us with Thy Blood:
Eternal SPIRIT, who in mercy taught us
Worship in truth and spirit -- Thou art God!

-- JPB, 28 September 2002.


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