Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour King

1 Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour King,
Thy praise our willing hearts would sing:
We bow the knee before Thy throne --
We glory in Thy Name alone!

2 Thou art the promised Woman's Seed,
Which hast our souls from bondage freed:
Who dying, crushed the serpent's head,
And rose victorious from the dead.

3 Our King of righteousness and peace,
Thy royal priesthood ne'er shall cease;
For through Thy veil of flesh, to God
Thou hast redeemed us by Thy Blood.

4 Thou art the Star of Jacob bright,
Which brings to all the nations light --
Sceptre of Judah, Shiloh, Sun
To whom the people gathering come.

5 Trembling we kiss thee, Son of God,
Who rules the earth with iron rod
To dash in shards of potter's clay
The wicked in Thy power's day.

6 Thou King of glory, Lord of hosts,
O save us to the uttermost:
Thou hast ascended up on high
Captive to lead captivity.

7 O Prince and Saviour, in Thy grace
Be Thou our Rock and Hiding place:
With judgment fill the wilderness,
The fruitful fields with righteousness.

8 Pour Thou the Spirit from on high
On us; in all our places dry
Rivers of water send, to bless
With righteous peace and quietness.

9 Light of the morning, shining clear,
Our King and God, our voice now hear:
Our worship deign with peace to bless
In beauty of Thy holiness.

10 Thy congregation's saints would sing
And Zion's children in their King
Be joyful; pleasure in us take,
And, Saviour, beautify the meek!

11 Lord Jesus, grant, at Thy right hand,
That we with all Thy Church may stand
Fairer than all the sons of men --
Thy Bride, all glorious within!

12 In us Thy holy beauty see --
Thou art our Lord; we worship Thee,
One with the Father evermore,
And Holy Ghost, by all adored!

-- JPB 20 October 2002. L.M.


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