Thursday, September 28, 2006

Geat Grace Upon Us All

1 Lord, Thou art God alone!
All heaven and earth is Thine:
Behold us from Thy gracious throne
Thine ear to us incline!

2 In earnest, urgent prayer
We join to seek Thy face:
As we assemble, meet us there
In might, and shake the place!

3 Behold our threatening foes:
Restrain their wrathful ways,
Till all who now Thy reign oppose
Be made to sing Thy praise!

4 Stretch forth Thine hand to seal
The preaching of Thy Word:
In Jesus Christ Thy Son, reveal
The glory of the Lord!

5 Grant all our longing hearts
To feel the Holy Ghost
Till in the fulness He imparts
We boldly seek the lost.

6 O Father, in this hour,
In Jesu's Name we cal:
Send in Thy Holy Spirit's power
Great grace upon us all!

-- JPB 1 July 2006 S.M.


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