Sunday, May 28, 2006

Come Apart and Rest Awhile

1 Come apart and rest awhile
From your heavy toil and care:
Malice lay aside, and guile,
Enter in the House of Prayer,
And among His people sit
At our Saviour Jesu's feet!

2 Hear the Word of life and peace
Which the Holy Scriptures tell;
From your sins and self now cease --
Jesus hath done all things well:
Now behold the Lamb of God,
Trust in His atoning Blood!

3 Through the quiet hours of rest,
Enter in the secret place:
Seek the Father, and be blessed
With His Spirit's strength and grace,
As you plead Christ's Name in prayer,
Casting on Him all your care.

4 Fathers, mothers, girls and boys,
In God's favour break your bread
At your tables, and rejoice
That His providence has led,
Sheltered, helped you all your days:
Show your thanks and keep His ways.

5 Thus may Christian Sabbaths prove
Festive, restful days of bliss:
Filled with faith, and hope, and love,
And all fruits of righteousness,
Till our Triune God we see,
Blessed to all eternity.

-- JPB, Wednesday 10 March 2004.

Friday, May 26, 2006

One Living, True, Eternal God

One living, true, eternal God
With heart and voice do we confess:
Creator of the heavens abroad,
And earth around, forever blest!

2 "God is": in all His works we see
Displayed His wisdom and His might:
By faith we own His majesty,
And seek Him, veiled beyond our sight.

3 "God is a Spirit": worshippers
In truth and spirit now He seeks;
With image, shrine and rite man errs --
For by His Word alone God speaks.

4 That Word reveals that "God is light,
In Him no darkness is at all":
Our sin cannot endure His sight,
Whose light is unapproachable.

5 "Our God is a consuming fire":
The King of saints is just and true
In all His ways; in judgment dire
The wicked perish from His view.

6 Yet by the Gospel, "God is love",
Who saves the sinner, yet is just:
He gave His Son from heaven above
Upon the Cross to die for us.

7 Eternal, infinite, unchanged,
In being, wisdom and in power,
All-holy, just, most good and true,
We praise Thy glory in this hour!

8 One God, revealed in Persons Three,
Thy praise, most Blessed Trinity,
Earth's fulness gives, with heaven's host!

-- JPB, 28 September 2002
L.M. (Tune: Winchester New)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

O Shout a Hallelujah!

1 O shout a Hallelujah!
My soul from sin is free!
Jesus, my righteous Saviour,
Has died, and lives for me!
My tongue is filled with singing,
My heart is filled with joy,
Peace through my soul is springing
Which nothing can destroy!


O shout a Hallelujah!
The Lamb that once was slain,
My risen Saviour Jesus
Forevermore shall reign!

2 O shout of God's salvation,
And praise Him day by day:
There is no condemnation,
And nothing left to pay!
For Jesus paid the ransom
In His most precious Blood
Upon the Cross of Calvary
To bring me back to God!

3 Shout, shout of sovereign mercy,
And free, abounding grace
That gave me to the Saviour
Who suffered in my place!
No, never had I loved Him,
But that He first loved me,
And left His throne in heaven,
To die upon the Tree!

4 O shout aloud Hosanna
And join me with the throng
Of all God's chosen people
To sing the glad, new song:
All glory to the FATHER,
All glory to the LAMB,
All glory to the SPIRIT --
ONE GOD, the great I AM!

-- JPB 30 May 2005 (Tune: God Bless the Prince of Wales)