Saturday, June 17, 2006

Lord, Is It I?

1 Lord Jesus, didst Thou truly say,
'One of the Twelve shall Me betray,
That share the dish with Me' ?
Each sorrowed heart the same reply
Returned to Thee: 'Lord, is it I?'
As Thou their hearts did see!

2 Their strife amid the Paschal Feast
To rank the greatest and the least,
Sank into silent shame;
For who could tell among them all
Would faithful stand, or faithless fall
When powers of darkness came?

3 Such treachery fell th'appointed lot
Of Judas, named Iscariot;
His heart had Satan filled
To see his Master as a slave
To cruel foes, who glad gave
A pittance which he willed.

4 For half the price of ointment rare
Which Mary, in her loving care,
Bestowed on Christ so well,
This devil, called perdition's son
At thirty silver pieces, won
His place in lowest hell!

5 And yet, in vain would Peter cry,
'Though all forsake Thee, yet not I!'
In vain so all would say:
According to the Master's word,
Thrice Simon would deny his Lord,
And all would flee away.

6 Once more, our Saviour calls us here:
The bread and cup He bids us share,
Which speak of pardoned sin:
Yet has each guest in Christ a part
To come, with clean hands and pure heart
Thus to remember Him?

7 Dare we presume we cannot stray,
Should we neglect to watch and pray
When comes the tempter dread?
Dare we provoke our jealous Lord
In gorging at this vile world's board,
And touching then His bread?

8 So now, at this our feast of love,
Let every saint his own soul prove,
Examination make!
Let us at Table find a place
Of true repentance, faith and grace
Before we here partake!

-- JPB, 13 June 2006.

Lord, Here We Stand!

1 Lord, here we stand! Our consciences are captive
Unto Thy Word; forbid our hearts should faint:
Loose Thou our tongues, to tell in praises festive
The faith delivered once unto the saints!
Lord, here we stand! Keep Thou our hearts receptive
To hear and hold Thy Gospel without taint!

2 Scripture alone! Thy Word is truth unerring,
Breathed by the Holy Ghost through holy men;
To Christ's redemption witness fully bearing,
Sole rule of faith, life, worship, now as then --
Scripture alone! Teach us, its truths comparing,
To hear Thy voice above the din of men.

3 By grace alone! Apart from human merit,
God shows His love to sinners lost, undone;
That He moight freely grant us to inherit
Life everlasting, He sent forth His Son:
By grace alone! To all the world declare it --
In Jesus Christ, God has salvation won!

4 By Christ alone! to us has come salvaiton --
Through His obedience and atoning Blood!
Our only High Priest, and our sure Foundation,
King and sole Head to all the Church of God!
By Christ alone! Our Shepherd great is risen,
And leads His people by His staff and rod.

5 By faith alone! Our hearts are resting solely
On that one offering made at Calvary
Which our Lord Jesus finished, paying wholly
For our transgressions and iniquity:
By faith alone! we've peace with God Most Holy
Now justified, accepted and set free!

6 Only in Scripture is the truth that frees us
Only by grace in liberty we stand
Only in Christ accepted God now sees us:
Only by faith we live; for us is planned
A life of loving service that Him pleases:
Upon this Gospel true -- Lord, here we stand!

7 We praise Thee, now, Thy saints, redeemed, forgiven,

Triune Jehovah, God our Sun and Shield!
All praises to the Holy Father in heaven,
Only begotten, and eternal Son,
Blest Holy Spirit, to His people given --
All glory give to God the Three in One!

JPB, 11 June 2003.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Lord Jesus, True and LIving Vine

1 Lord Jesus, true and living Vine,
In Thee I ever would abide;
O let Thy grace my soul entwine!
My faith clings to Thy riven side.

2 O Father, Who as Husbandman
Hast grafted me into Thy Son,
Purge, cleanse me, as Thy love may plan,
Till precious fruit to Thee be won.

3 Come, Holy Spirit, let Thy Word
Dwell richly in my mind and heart,
That I may live in Christ the Lord
And from His presence ne'er depart!

4 Rooted in love's most holy ground,
Built up and stablished in the faith,
With joyful thanks would I abound
And walk in all the Scripture saith.

5 As Vine and branch, let me abide
In Christ, and He a bide in me!
Lord, may Thy Name be glorified
In worship, work and witness free!

6 Hear, heed my longing, earnest prayer:
Reveal Thy glory -- Christ in me!
With all Thy saints, O let me share
Thy glory when Thy face I see!

7 To Father, Son and Spirit, praise!
To God the LORD, the One in Three
Be glory all the length of days,
Now and to all eternity!

-- 25 June 2003 L.M.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


1 "Christ is risen!" Let the cry
Fill the earth, the sea, the sky:
Death is dead! Christ brings in might
Immortality to light!

2 "Christ is risen!" The empty tomb
Now dispels our fear and gloom:
Jesus, mighty now to save,
Brings us victory o'er the grave!

3 "Christ is risen!" Dead to sin,
We are raised to reign with Him:
Satan to the earth is hurled --
Christ now overcomes the world.

4 "Christ is ris'n!" In Him we died:
Fleshly lusts are crucified;
Newness of eternal life
More than conquers in the strife.

5 "Christ is risen!" So shall wee
Rise to immortality
At the dread last trumpet call:
God shall then be all in all.

6 "Christ is risen!" Let us laud
Him who bought us with His Blood:
Prince and Saviour, Paschal Lamb,
Jesus, Lord -- the Great I AM!

7 Let us praise with angel hosts
Praise, O praise, earth, sky and sea,
GOD the blessed TRINITY!

-- JPB, Lord's Day 24 April 2005.