Monday, October 02, 2006

Called to Share the Holy Supper

1 Called to share the Holy Supper
At the Table of the Lord,
Let my heart with love remember
From the pages of His Word,
All my SAVIOUR's love to me
Now and to eternity!

2 Here in grief and true repentance
Let me now my sin recall --
All its bitterness and bondage,
Darkness, sorrow, wormwood, gall,
From which CHRIST to set me free
Paid the price at Calvary!

3 Then with thankful tears o'erflowing
Let me come His Bread to break,
All His pains and torments showing
As my part in Him I take,
Hearing JESUS say to me,
"This, My Body, is for thee!"

4 With what mingled joy and trembling
In my hands I hold the Cup
Filled with mercy, grace and blessing,
All because my LORD drank up
God's just wrath and judgment dread,
As for me His Blood He shed!

5 Who can show the matchless glory
Of His everlasting love?
Who can tell the wondrous story
How He left His throne above,
Humbled, dying on the Cross,
There to seek and save the lost?

6 Pardoned, cleansed, redeemed, forgiven,
Let me spend my ransomed days
In His service, till in heaven
I shall share the song of praise:
"Worthy, worthy LAMB of GOD,
Thou hast bought us by Thy Blood!"

7 Thus with all the saints attending,
Shall I rightly show His death,
And at last, there comprehending
Height and depth and length and breadth
Of the love of CHRIST to me,
Live to all eternity.

8 "Hallelujah! Hallelujah!"
Let all heaven and earth proclaim;
To our Lord and God JEHOVAH
Give the glory due His Name:

-- JPB, 2 October 2006.